I would like to welcome Jonathan Curran back to NAG today. He is going to share about why:
Public speaking is the next step in the growth graph of any successful writer today. Very many demanding authors are turning to speaking in public to ensure that they can tap every prospect of turning their book into a runaway success.
Why Most Demanding Authors Turn to Public Speaking
As a rule, good authors are not necessarily successful public speakers. But demanding authors who have the confidence to resonate with any audience and want to build a personal brand of their own, take to public speaking like fish to water.
It is the next step in promoting a book, impressing publishers and finally encashing on the content. Public speaking has snowballed into a high paying and lucrative career option. In the recent past, it has seen the likes of Bill Clinton and Lance Armstrong cashing in on the rising wave. Take a look at why public speaking is attracting demanding authors.
1. Realizing Your Market Value
Public speaking and the success at it, will directly translate into the asset value of the author in the reader market. A demanding author who can sell his point to an audience will be able to do a practical introspection of his talent and skill sets. The free market offers him endless opportunities to sell his book and himself over the air, telephones, internet and every other medium available. There are thousands of events planned in a year that need speakers like conferences, training sessions, corporate events and lectures that offer him opportunities to address the public. A tough author soon discovers the fees for his services and charges accordingly.
2. Design Your Own Product
The author will be in full control of the manipulation of his product, from selling to packaging. He might get opportunities to speak at someone else’s event or host a work shop himself. He would also be able to market himself by live options like e-books, DVDs ad CDs. A demanding author can also give counseling, coaching and consultations sessions according to the demand.
3. Demand for Good Story Tellers
There is a growing demand for good public speakers with a good story that the audience can relate to. Not all story writers are good speakers. A serious author is relatively famous for a particular topic, has exceptional oratory skills and is available. A famous author already has a fan base who identify with his ideas and thought process. Unlike a novice speaker with no writing background, a well known author can connect faster with his readers. An author with a few bestsellers under his belt will be able to create a niche in the market for himself. This will garner respect and growth for him in the long run. Rising demand implies rising rates and better fees for the author.
4. Perception is the Key
The perception of the author in the public is what gets him hired primarily, besides his story. Their story telling talent and speaking skills are secondary. An aggressive author can compel the audience to be seen and heard and create a unique demand for him. Common perception will draw audiences to an author talking about Obama, but not to a session where the same author talks about himself. A good book that is an instant hit will generate an instant demand for the author and buy him credibility.
Have a look at some business authors and caoaches here who turn their selves in public speaking.
5. Marketing Has Become Easy
The initial speaking sessions an author gets are mostly related to his book or a field he specializes in. Audiences can now connect with the author through blogs, YouTube accounts, Facebook, twitter and other social handles. A demanding author will try to become a player who runs at a steady pace in the race to become most successful in public speaking. There are no shortcuts and loads of competition in this industry. Building a reputation takes time and patience.
6. Authors vs Public Speaking
Authors who are naturals at public speaking make good orators. There is a glut of good speakers and a paucity of demand. It implies that authors need to be demanding to get paid for their gigs and try and stand out from the crowd.
Author Bio: Author Bio: Jonathan Curran is the author and founder of PROMOTIVATE Speakers Agency. PROMOTIVATE motto is to spread motivation everywhere specially in organizations so that they can work more effectively and can gain more revenue. Join us on Google + to get more updates.