I would like to welcome Maxwell George to NAG today. He is here to share some thoughts about what could be changing in social media this year. Seems exciting. Enjoy!
The secret to staying in the market for all social media networks is to continuously evolve, grow and offer its users something different as well as private. Privacy in social media is something which has recently become a major concern for the users. With the hacks and malicious activities going on, social media users and the experience are going through a kind of turmoil. Recently released news about Face book and Twitter being hacked and the passwords being publicly available to, everyone has taken the social media world with a wave of concern.
Fast forwarding to the New Year and coming future, we still social media are only going to get stronger every passing year. The rising challenges will only help social media networks to strengthen and address all the issues and come stronger. Social media has become such an amazing reality, that now it is next to impossible to think it will start to fade away or eventually cease to exist. Every year, in fact, we will see further changes that will not only improve the overall user experience of social media, but also something different and better in terms of connectivity as well as security. Our blog post is going to focus on various changes that are expected to take place in the social media field this year and how it is going to change the way we use social media networks.
Payment Security and Options
It has been very frequently reported in the news media that the likes of Face book and Gmail are now planning to introduce the facility to transfer money using debit or credit card details of the users. Some users have already reported the availability of this feature on their pages and it is thought all this is under the testing phase. This can be a revolutionary change in the social media networks something which Face book and Google both are known for. Such a change will not only improve user experience, but also offer an amazing new feature to them.
New Networks Mean New Competition
Face book might have countered, it’s competition by taking over Whatsapp and Instagram, but every passing day more and more social media networks is taking up on air. Likes of Tumbler and Snapchat will also invest and see an increase in their user base. So as the new networks take the playing field, competition for already existing giants will increase since users will have many more options to choose from.
E-commerce Integration with Social Media Networks
This year might also see the integration, e-commerce functionality with the big social networks. This means users will be able to do their shopping while browsing through their social network profiles. The likes of Amazon will have increasing competition if users get the opportunity to shop from their social media profiles.
More Security and Privacy Regulations
It is not a hidden fact that more and more work is being done in terms of managing privacy and security amongst the networking profiles. We will see different policies of passwords, user identification and registrations regarding the registrations of profiles will take place.
Author Bio
Maxwell George is the author of this blog post. Maxwell has worked with different social media agencies and now has one of his own. He likes to talk about social media and technology on various forums like cheap essay help service at IrishEssays.com.
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