Today the Twitterverse and the Blogosphere and other worlds of the virtual universe are alive with activity about these stinky publisher politics toward authors. It's bad for all unwary authors, but even more so for the emerging, fledgling … [Continue reading]
My Publisher Sucks…Now What?
Based on the quiz and your own perceptions of what you can and can’t tolerate you have determined your publisher sucks. Now what? Of course the no brainer answer would to be get out. However there are some activities and some conditions to be aware … [Continue reading]
Does My Publisher Suck?
You are probably wondering what I mean by the title of this article. I have worked with both a good publisher and a sucky one. I hear from other authors about who is good and who is not. When I was having my bad experience with my ex publisher, … [Continue reading]
Self Pub Companies Outsourcing Editing?!
The idea for this post comes from this post from The Publishing Revolution Book Editing with a Side of Coconut Oil which let me know of another self publishing company outsourcing book editing along with a number of other things to … [Continue reading]
Self Publishing: Empowering Young Authors
Through social media I have noticed an awesome trend brought about by the Self Publishing Revolution: authors are publishing younger. I mean really young: tweens and teens are now grasping "published authordom". I have met a couple of these younger … [Continue reading]
Manage Flitter Magic
Is your Twitter account a little bit cluttered? Have you hit the "2000 barrier" and can't follow new tweeps back until you drop the dead-weight to make room? Ever wonder who you are following who are not tweeting, not following you back, … [Continue reading]
Covers Matter
I am not the only person to climb up on this soap box, and I probably won't be the last. It is very important for new authors to understand this from the start. Other seasoned indie authors and publishing professionals stress this. This is another … [Continue reading]
Book Formatting Can Kill You
Book formatting is another area that can make or break your author career and is another area where readers and reviewers have complaints about indie books. Proper formatting matters in both print and ebook editions just as much as editing … [Continue reading]
The Different Kinds of Editing
For a new author it is probably safe to assume that most aren't going to know that there are different editing levels and that there are a lot of terms that go to the same editing level. With each heading I included the synonyms of the same edit to … [Continue reading]
Editing: It Will Make You or Break You
Quite a few other indie authors and bloggers have written their fair share about the importance of editing. I guess I will add my piece to the pile. It is exceptionally important for any new author to understand how important it is to edit their book … [Continue reading]
Automate or Not to Automate
Social media automation has become the hot, controversial topic of the blogosphere, twitterverse, or any other 'sheres' or 'verses' that exists out there. Some of it can be justifiable because of the 'fakers' and the spammers. Some argue that being … [Continue reading]