I would like to welcome Eilidh Edgar to NAG today. She is here to share some of the most deadly sins that can hurt or even kill you brand.
Personal Aside: the example used in Sin #6 is never ok anytime or anywhere. Just sayin’.
Social media can truly make the image of your brand. But at the same time, if done incorrectly, it can also break your brand and ruin its entire image.
The deadly sins of social media do not just turn off your customers; in fact, their impact is more severe than that. It gives off a bad impression about you as a company and also generates negative publicity, which can seriously hurt your brand. Read on to know more about the seven deadly sins of social media marketing:
1. Mixing Religion And Politics With Your Brand
These are two topics that will seriously antagonize your customers no matter what side you take. When friendships can be severed over religious or political opinions, keep in mind that you are only a business. It would be much easier to sever ties with you.
2. Mixing Personal And Professional Accounts
Your business social media account should be strictly for business. Granted, you need to introduce a personal anecdote or two to add a personal touch but before you post your personal drama, ask yourself these questions:
- Will it help me to sell my products?
- Will my audience still respect me?
- Would my customers care to know?
Refrain from posting if the answer to any of these questions is “No”! The only exception to this rule is when you want to clarify something to your customers. For example, “I will not be taking orders today due to a death in the family”.
3. Losing Your Cool
When you lose your cool in a physical store, the effect is generally contained. But if you lose your cool on social media, it puts the brand’s image on stake because any bad incident has the potential of going viral through either a picture or a video. Remain courteous to customers at all times, no matter how many times they test your patience. This will help you get out of the situation with your reputation and integrity intact.
4. Tooting Your Own Horn
Highlight your achievements but donot make it sound as if there is no one else in the world that is better than you. Firstly, that is not quite true. Secondly, there is nothing more off-putting than arrogance in almost any field. Let others decide how good you are at what you do.
5. Sounding Too Greedy
Yes, you are out there to make money but do not keep going on and on about it. Your customers know very well that you are in a business and you will be making money from it, but rubbing the ‘money part’ in their faces will only annoy them. Social media gives you the opportunity to connect with your customers on an emotional and personal level; take advantage of it.
6. Resorting To The Distasteful
A rape joke may be OK within a selected circle of close friends but in a business setting, this will only alienate your customer base. Not only everyone has different taste when it comes to jokes but also there are limits that should never be crossed especially when you are doing business.
7. Using Cheap Tactics
The best way to get your customers to “like” your content is to make it genuinely likeable. Avoid resorting to cheap tactics such as posting content that include things such as: “like this post if you have guts” or “share it at your own risk”. It only makes you lose credibility and respect in the eyes of your customers.
If you are guilty of any of the above, take a good look at your social media strategy and revamp it if you have to. Be honest with yourself, and do what is required.
Author Bio:
Eilidh Edgar is a career consultant at write my coursework mainly specializing in developing next gen leaders and entrepreneurs. She also loves to blog about the changing trends and methods in the online business industry.
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